How long do affordable online bachelors degrees take to complete?

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Your affordable online bachelors degree can take as little as 12 months to complete if you have an associates degree already and may vary in length based on how much work you do each day, but generally, a bachelors degree takes four years to complete. The best thing about online bachelor programs is that there are endless ways to advance yourself faster than in a traditional program; for instance, some schools allow competency-based learning which can earn you credits based on work you’ve done in the field, as well as being asynchronous, which means you’re free to work at your pace to complete your coursework.
Time is money, and this is another thing to consider when you are searching for the perfect affordable online bachelors degrees. The one thing that makes online bachelors degrees more affordable than traditional programs that confer comparable degrees is that they are way more customizable. Online bachelor degree programs are often offered entirely online, which means that you will not have to pay for any extra materials, lab fees, or your commute to campus to complete any work. This is part of what makes them more affordable, and certainly more convenient for your busy lifestyle. In addition, they are also offered in an asynchronous format. In a more traditional setting, lectures and exams take place at a predetermined time that you won’t have the chance to miss and then come back to. Also, your assignments must be turned in by a specific date, and then you have to wait for everyone else to turn theirs in and then for the instructor to go through the grading process. Asynchronous programs offer just the opposite. Your lectures, coursework, assignments, exams, and so on will be available at any time for you to access. This means that you can work at your pace all the time. Because of this, a four-year bachelors degreecould take you considerably less time as long as you were willing to put the work in and complete them ahead of time. Additionally, online bachelors degree programs also take in transfer credits, sometimes as many as 90 credits can be transferred in, which would sometimes leave as few as 50 more credits for you to complete. If you have credits to transfer in, that can also decrease the time that it may take you to complete your degree. Another unique offering that is available to you with many affordable online bachelors degree programs is that you may be eligible to test out of certain classes, where you would just pay an exam fee and upon passing the exam, that is one less class you would have to pay for in the long run, and you could dedicate that time to tackling another one of your classes. You may also be able to use real-world experience in your field to make up for some of your credits if the degree program you choose offers a competency-based approach, which is another way that you can pay less and get more out of your time in the pursuit of your degree. How fast you can earn your degree is entirely dependent on how much work you’re willing to put into it, and you can complete your degree in as little as one year in some cases.