Where can I find cheap ACT online prep?

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There are plenty of online resources that offer students free or cheap ACT prep. There are pages upon pages of search results if you begin looking through search engines. Of course, it can be bothersome to wade through all of them and you end up feeling as though you are panning for gold. While a lot can be said for that approach, I hope this answer takes some of the frustration away while looking for cheap ACT prep.
Most options for ACT test prep courses are paid services, but this doesn’t mean to avoid their websites if you’re looking for cheap options. It may come as a surprise that there are a lot of valuable freebies to grab on websites such as Princeton Review, Kaplan Test Prep, and Powerscore when you consider the lowest quoted cost of an ACT test prep course is around $300.00.
Also, a terrific place to check for cheap ACT online prep resources is our guide for 50 free ACT prep resources and you can also check out our guide for SAT and ACT prep. Both are filled with lots of helpful links to find some of the best and cheap ACT online prep resources.
Don’t forget your phone or tablet! Whether you are an Apple or Android user, there are lots of free and cheap ACT prep apps available through iTunes and Google Play. Apps, such as Khan Academy, are available on both kinds of devices.
While Khan Academy is not specifically a test prep app, it offers a lot of free information for students and makes it easy for you to work on subjects where you need the most help.
Magoosh ACT Flashcards is one of the more popular ACT test prep specific apps that is available on both Google Play and iTunes. This app has an algorithm which can know when you have mastered an area so as to focus on the material you still need to work on.
YouTube has many different choices for free ACT prep. You can find shorter videos with tips and hacks, general strategies for better scores. There are also some longer videos which are more subject-specific and go into more details on how to boost your scores in English, Math, and other subjects covered on the ACT. Then there’s this 6-hour feature from Kaplan SAT & ACT Test Prep titled the ACT prepathon.
As you can see from the above examples, there is no shortage of free and cheap ACT online prep. If you are not able to find enough through these methods, you can also check with your school counselor and local library for more ideas or suggestions.
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