50 Free Tools and Resources for ACT Prep
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1. ACT Concepts Flashcards: Flashcards are one of the most effective study tools because they cause your brain to work on remembering concepts quickly and with little prompting; with a different category for each section of the test, these thorough cards are sure to make studying a breeze.
2. ACT FAQs: This list of frequently asked questions covers all the basics of the ACT for those of you who don’t know the ins and outs of the test entirely; it covers scoring, materials, and more.
3. ACT Grammar and Punctuation Rules: This guide (which you can also download in PDF format) goes over the most basic (there/their/they’re) of grammar rules, all the way up to common punctuation mistakes you may make on your test.
4. Powerscore Test Preparation: Powerscore offers downloadable free sample official ACT practice tests as well as sample practice questions. There are also practice tests and materials available for SAT tests.
5. ACT Math Strategies: This is a printable list of strategic tips to help you make the most of your time in this section of the test.
6. ACT Prep and Practice App: This app has over 60 practice questions and 100 different training videos for you to use to prepare yourself to put your best foot forward on test day.
7. ACT Reading Study Guide: This study guide includes information on how to effectively skim passages, how to improve your speed and comprehension when reading, and even tells you what to look out for on date questions that may trip you up.
8. ACT Study Schedules: Studying is most effective when done in short bursts over a period of time rather than cramming all at once, you can use one of these plans to space out your sessions to get the most out of each one.
9. ACT Tips, Tricks, and Strategies: This is an informative blog post that covers some key points about the test, and explains what graders will be looking for.
10. ACT: Practice, Prep, Flashcards App: This app won an award for Best Education App in the year 2016, you can use its intuitive features such as ‘Learn by Concept’ to help you gain the upper hand when your test date rolls around.

11. ACT.org: You can use the official website to get several different types of free resources, like a ‘Question of the Day’ and a study guide prepared by the same people who created the test.
12. Analyze Math: This website has free math practice questions with detailed solutions to help you solidify the concepts in your mind before you run across them in the math section of your exam.
13. Barron’s Test Prep: By registering for the Basic account that is free and taking a diagnostic test, this website will provide you with a personalized study plan based on where you need to improve.
14. Brightstorm: This website has hundreds of free videos that you can use to brush up on concepts that you might have forgotten a little bit about, such as basic algebra, grammar, or biology.

15. BWS Education Consulting: BWS creates a broad range of preparatory materials such as handouts, and practice test sections, and the site also has tips and suggested reading lists to help you prepare.
16. Critical ACT Math Formulas You Must Know: Formulas are not provided on the ACT, so here is a list of 31 formulas that you’re going to want to commit to memory before you sit down for your test.
17. Edinformatics: This website contains practice tests that can be taken online and include solutions so that you can check your work.
18. EnglishGrammar101: The writing portion of the ACT is entirely optional, but for those of you who plan on taking it, this is an incredible resource for improving your writing skills in preparation.
19. Free Test Prep’s Reading List: This website isn’t very aesthetically pleasing, but it has the full list of books recommended by college board that students should take while getting ready for their test, you may have already read a few!
20. Grammar Bytes: This website can spruce up the dustier corners of your grammar knowledge, and it does so in a way that is entertaining which makes it easier to remember.
21. Guide to Grammar and Writing: While this website looks like it has been around as long as you have, it is a great place to refresh your memory on basic grammar rules and writing tips for the writing portion of your test.
22. High ACT Scores Tips and Strategies: This article has some important but easy to overlook general tips (get some sleep!), but it also has section specific tips that students should take into account.
23. Higher Scores Test Prep: Lauren G offers students free consultation to help determine what your best prep strategy will be, and she has ten years of experience in test prep tutoring; this page also features an hour long podcast on making sure your prep is effective and stress-free.
24. How To Study by ThoughtCo: These tips are extremely basic, but sometimes you get so wrapped up in the stresses of preparing for the test, coming back to basics could be a great help to you.
25. Kaplan Test Prep Free Events: These are sample classes, practice exams, and several other types of seminars that you can participate in online and at no cost to you.
26. Khan Academy: Khan Academy is a great place to go to study specific subjects that you might be having trouble with, and they have a variety of specific test prep resources available as well.
27. Magoosh ACT eBook: This free ebook is almost 300 pages, and it will walk you through different aspects of the test such as structure, and types of questions so that you can familiarize yourself ahead of time.

28. March To Success: This prep site is maintained by the US Army and has tips, strategies, flashcards, and seven TIMED practice exams.
29. Mastery Prep ACT Success Blog: This blog contains tips, practice materials, and up-to-date news about the ACT.
30. McGraw-Hill Practice Plus: McGraw-Hill Education is a company you’re likely familiar with if you’ve ever seen a textbook, as they are one of the larger education publishers; they have taken that experience and poured it into created a hub of resources for students preparing for the ACT.
31. Method Test Prep: Staff at Method routinely participate in the ACT to make sure that they are creating effective study materials that include practice tests and more.
32. Number2: Number2 has a variety of preparation materials and courses that are entirely free for you to take advantage of.
33. Peterson’s Practice Tests: You can register with this website to gain access to some practice tests.
34. PrepFactory: This website has test-specific strategies, studying games, and more to equip you with the mental tools you need to succeed.

35. Prepify (@Prepify): This Twitter channel regularly posts useful information about the ACT, as well as free and paid resources that are available to you as you prepare.
36. Prepped and Polished: This website frequently posts video tutorials on solving real problems you will encounter on your tests, they also host a podcast, and you can sign up for the email list and get test prep and study tips delivered straight to your email.

37. Princeton Review: Featuring a host of resources, this website is easily the go-to for many students; you also have the opportunity to participate in free webinars and live sample classes.
38. Ready4 ACT App: This app has over a hundred flashcards, and over a thousand practice questions with detailed answer explanations, it will also track your strengths and weaknesses and build practice tests based on them.
39. Score Conversion Chart: This chart will let you compare your ACT score to its equivalent on the SAT, and shows you what percentile you would have scored in.
40. SparkNotes: This website has loads of useful information to help you get ready, such as how the test is structured and scored, and has study tips and strategies that you can tailor to meet your needs.
41. Student Tutor: With registration, you will receive a free comprehensive prep checklist for the ACT, as well as a variety of other free resources delivered straight to your inbox.

42. SuperTutorTV: This is a pretty basic list of practice tests, but one of the tests includes a full video breakdown of all the questions and answers to fully explain everything and help drive those concepts home for you.
43. Test Frenzy: Test Frenzy not only has practice tests available through their website but also features rankings of other practice materials available so you can research which ones are the highest quality and most likely to help boost your score.
44. Test-Guide: This website features a number of articles related to helping you prepare, practice tests, test dates, recent news, and even reviews of paid ACT prep products to help you make an informed decision.
45. The Official ACT Prep Guide: This guide is created by the creators of the actual ACT, and includes practice questions, in-depth answer explanations, and even a score estimation method based on your practice.
46. Union Test Prep: Union understands that the ACT is a threshold to the rest of your academic career, and they don’t take their responsibility in preparing you for it lightly, they boast that their expertly crafted practice materials will help you score higher in less time than competitors.
47. Varsity Tutors: This website has thousands of practice tests, as well as a question of the day section, and flashcards; there is also a way to check your percentile, time spent per question, and other unique yet important details.
48. 6 Last Minute Tips for ACT Prep: While the best way to prepare is to study consistently over time, it’s easy to start to panic when test day arrives – these 6 tips will hopefully allay some of your fears and help you remember to relax so you can do your best.
See our own SAT and ACT Prep Guide for more help!
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