50 Free Tools and Resources for SAT Prep
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1. Analyze Math: If you are anticipating the math format to be the worst 80 minutes of your life, this website might help ease some of that suffering; it offers detailed explanations to the solution to thousands of math problems to help you understand in a more concrete way.
2. Appsademia: How I Self Studied and Got a 2300+: Popular ‘studyblr’ author Anne published a video and a mix of study materials that she used to study on her own (without paying any tutors or for any materials) and received a near-perfect score.
3. Brightstorm: Brightstorm has hundreds of free video tutorials on common subjects that you will see on your test (math, English, and science), and it also has test-specific videos as well.
4. BWS Education Consulting: BWS is dedicated to creating materials such as study guides, practice test sections, and the site also has tips for test anxiety and suggested readings lists to help you prepare.

5. CollegeBoard: Take practice exams, study strategies, and even take advantage of test day checklists to make sure that you don’t miss anything important, you can even check your scores after the test, all in one place.
6. Complete SAT Grammar and Punctuation Rules: This guide is available on the web, or you can download it to print out, and it covers everything you’re going to need to remember about commas, colons, dashes, and more; it also covers tense consistency, and modifiers (which is where students struggle the most).
7. Daily Practice for the New SAT App: This free app presents you with one practice question a day and will score it immediately; doing a little practice every day will keep things fresher in your mind and boost your success.
8. EnglishGrammar: You can use this website to refresh your memory on basic grammar concepts, or to hone in on your writing skills to prepare for the (optional) essay portion of your test.
9. Free 90-Minutes SAT Prep Class: This class packs as much information as you can handle into this hour and a half to brief you on the different types of questions you will encounter on the test and how to handle each one.
10. Free SAT Math: This website is extremely straightforward, just SAT math questions and nothing else to distract you.
11. Free Test Prep’s Reading List (From CollegeBoard!): This website has published the complete list of books that CollegeBoard recommends students to read to increase their reading comprehension in preparation for their test; there is also a list of magazines that will help expand your vocabulary.
12. Grammar Bytes: This website offers in-depth lessons, or just a crash course in the more basic aspects of grammar that you’ll need to remember for the Writing and Language format.
13. Guide to Grammar and Writing: Writing and Language is an important section of your test and one that many people gloss over when studying because it seems extremely basic in nature, while that may be true it can never hurt to go over when studying and this site is perfect for that.
14. Higher Scores Test Prep: This page has an hour long podcast that you can listen to that will help you create a test prep timeline that will ensure your success; you can also receive free consultation from a test prep expert with 10 years of experience.
15. Purdue University Global Free Events: Purdue University Global Test Prep offers many different free online seminars and classes to help students get ready for their exams, and also has practice tests that include score reviews.

16. Khan Academy: Khan Academy is the place to go to study any subject completely free; you will find practice work, instructional videos, and more on this website.

17. Magoosh Complete Guide to the New SAT: This ebook is full of useful information such as the new SAT format that was introduced, how to make sure your studying sticks, and even how to practice like a pro.
18. March To Success: This website is from the US Army, and contains a variety of test prep tips and materials, as well as full-length and timed practice tests to simulate the real experience.
19. Method Test Prep: Method’s contributors regularly take the SAT to make sure that their resources remain accurate, up-to-date, and on the cutting edge of all the concepts you’ll encounter on the test; they present this information to you in easy-to-understand study guides.
20. Official SAT Study Guide Sample Materials: The Official SAT Study Guide has a lot of great practice material, but maybe you don’t want to purchase the book; now you don’t have to, you can access all of those practice materials that are at the beginning of the book for free.

21. PrepFactory: PrepFactory calls itself the best test prep that money could buy if they weren’t giving it away for free, the site is entirely interactive to keep you engaged the entire time you’re trying to study.
22. Prepify (@Prepify): This Twitter channel regularly posts resources, tips, and other informative pieces about the SAT (and other tests!) that will likely be useful to you as your test date approaches.
23. Prepped and Polished: On this website, you’ll find a robust archive of free video tutorials and podcasts that cover topics you will see on your test.
24. Previous Real Exams: You can download eight different real SATs to practice with; it is recommended that you print them out to take them to help get your mind ready truly, but you can also take them through Khan Academy.
25. Princeton Review: Since 1981, the Princeton Review has been consistently providing students with pivotal help along their educational journeys, and you can take advantage of that help; this site offers free strategic seminars, sample classes, and more.
26. Ready4 SAT App: This app will walk you step by step through answer explanations on over a thousand different practice questions, has customizable practice tests and will help you track your improvement over time to keep you motivated.
27. SAT FAQs: This site covers a plethora of common questions about time limits, subject tests, scoring, and more.

28. SAT Math Facts and Formulas: This is a printable list of all the different formulas and math tidbits that you’re going to want to commit to memory before you sit down for your exam.
29. SAT Math Strategies: This list walks you through some strategic tips that you can employ to make sure you’re not inadvertently lowering your score.
30. SAT Math Vocabulary: This list is not exhaustive, but it includes the most frequently used terms in the math section of the test that might catch you by surprise if you haven’t seen them since freshman year.
31. SAT Physics Facts and Formulas: For those students who have opted to take the physics subject test, this is a concise reference sheet to some of the more common formulas you will use during the test.
32. SAT Prep and Practice App: This app has a different category for each section of the test and has a variety of training materials and practice questions to keep your mind sharp for test day.
33. SAT Reading Study Guide: This guide has several important sections that you won’t find anywhere else, such as when to read and when to skim, effective note taking, and things that you’re going to want to circle as you read.
34. SAT Study Schedules: Schedule your study time effectively with one of these guides, and you will be less likely to procrastinate and end up cramming, which only causes more stress.
35. SAT Test Dates: Students can use this website to track important dates relevant to their exams, as well as contact counselors to ask questions.
36. SAT Up App: This app has thousands of practice questions written by expert SAT tutors, can help you determine your projected score, find your strengths and weaknesses, then create custom daily exercises to help you improve.
37. SAT Vocab App by Mindsnacks: This app features nine different games that will help you improve your vocabulary using real words you can encounter on your test.
38. Score Conversion Chart: This chart shows you the percentile and score you would have received on the ACT based on the score you received on your SAT.

39. SparkNotes: Because of the upcoming introduction of a new SAT, this page is under construction at the time of writing; once complete, it will have guides to walk you through the scoring methods and setup of the test, as well as study guides.
40. Student Tutor: When you sign up at this website, you will get a free preparation checklist so that you don’t skip over any important steps as you get ready, you will also receive more free resources via email.
41. SuperTutorTV: This website has a straightforward list of SAT Practice tests, it also includes essay prompts and scoring guides.
42. Test-Guide: This website features an overview of the test, you can read about how the SAT is scored, check out recent news, and even find a few practice tests.
43. The SAT Word Game: Collegexpress created this game to help you brush up your vocabulary before you sit your exams, it makes vocabulary fun (as hard as that is to believe).
44. This Google Drive Folder: Tumblr user ochrestudies has put together this Google Drive folder that is free for anyone to use; the folder contains real SATs from the past, as well as full-length study books.
45. Union Test Prep: Union is rife with resources that cover everything you could possibly need to know about the SAT, like why to take it, the best strategies to study and succeed, and also has practice exams created by leading education experts.

46. Varsity Tutors: This website is one of the few places where you can take practice tests for the New SAT.
47. Virtual SAT Tutor – Vocabulary App: This app features unique tips and tricks to help you memorize words such as mnemonic devices, and help you learn word roots to increase retention and understanding.
We also have a SAT and ACT Prep Guide to help you prepare!
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