Online Degrees for Service Members and Veterans

Serving our country is not something that you take lightly, and we understand that. We don’t take it lightly either! It is an incredible decision. Getting back into civilian life afterward can sometimes be a difficult transition, so choosing what to do next is something we know you’ve put a lot of thought into. If pursuing a college education is part of that, these resources here can help provide you with some insight into what comes next. We strive to consistently add more resources for our service members past and present.
Resources for Military Veterans
Paying for college shouldn’t be something that you need to worry about after you’ve already done so much. Our list of the 20 Featured College Scholarships for Veterans can give you a look at what options are out there to take some of that burden off your shoulders. On top of that, there are many colleges and universities that offer tuition discounts or special grants for those in the military and their families.
We’ve also created an infographic featuring the 10 Best Online Degrees for Vets.
Our extensive FAQ section features a list of over 100 questions that we’ve received from prospective students in the past.
We try to put together rankings for students like you who may be active duty or have already served our country. Here is everything we have available right now.