Do online schools care about college student satisfaction?

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The short answer to this question is an emphatic yes. All schools care about student satisfaction. It shows whether or not they’ve managed to provide students with the fulfilling educational experience that they deserve, and that will prepare them for their professional life in their chosen field. Also, accrediting bodies of all schools have requirements that include a certain rate of student satisfaction. Accrediting agencies do this because they hold institutions of higher learning to the expectation of always striving to improve the quality of life and education for their student body.
Online schools care deeply about college student satisfaction because ever since the controversy surrounding online colleges in 2010, they have had to do a lot to solidify themselves as legitimate institutions. The principal reason that student satisfaction rates are important is they are essential to a school’s ability to maintain their accreditation. Accreditation is a voluntary action that colleges and universities can take; however, it is what separates a school from being a diploma mill or a real academic organization. At an unaccredited school, students are buying their degrees, and they won’t hold their weight in the future – they are expensive and virtually meaningless. Many, if not all, reputable accrediting bodies impose a student satisfaction requirement. Finding an accredited school is mandatory for prospective students because this ensures them that their credits are transferable, that the school is held to a certain educational standard that it meets or exceeds, and frankly, that they are being conferred a legitimate degree in the eyes of their future employer. Another reason online colleges care about student satisfaction rates is to help them with strategic planning. Strategic planning is a college or university’s plan of action to continue to grow and succeed. Any business and schools are businesses, without a strategy is bound to fail. It is impossible to get anywhere if you’re not at least going somewhere, and schools recognize this. Student satisfaction allows them to see the areas where they need to improve or grow to make sure every student is getting a fulfilling and practical experience at their school. It also comes down to money, a school has to make money to keep its doors open, and if too few of their students are getting what they need out of it, then even fewer students will continue to enroll. Another reason student satisfaction rates are important is student retention. Schools tend to measure success in how many of their students are graduating, or by their graduation rate. If a school isn’t doing everything in its power to satisfy students and pay attention to their needs, the student is likely to move on to a school that is doing so. Again, this affects their income. Schools can not run unless they are making money, and financial security for a school can be almost guaranteed by creating the best environment they can for their students.