What are the top online colleges for Hispanic students?

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The best online college for you, as a Hispanic person and a prospective student, is going to be the one that meets your needs, whether they’re purely academic, financial, familial, or professional. However, there is a certain category of school that goes above and beyond the call of duty to serve your community as a Hispanic person, and that is Hispanic-Serving Institutes or HSIs. Little more than 20% of all Hispanic people hold a bachelor’s degree or higher. Because of this, and the fact that Hispanic students receive 69 cents to every dollar in financial aid provided in the US, HSIs do all that they can to improve the quality of education while reducing the costs. As a Hispanic student, an online HSI has a lot to offer you, and that is likely your best option.
Hispanic-Serving Institutions enroll almost 63% of all Hispanic students in the United States. HSIs work very hard to improve the quality of education and variety of degree programs available to Hispanic students while reducing costs for them as many of the students they serve are first-generation, the first in their families to go to college or come from a low-income socioeconomic background. The University of California — Santa Cruz is the best online HSI, making it the best online school for Hispanic students. The school offers 98 programs at the undergraduate level and offers graduate degree programs in 33 different fields, which makes for a diverse pool of options for their prospective students. They do everything they can to stay on the cutting edge and were the first school in the University of California system to offer a program in computer game design. They have a freshman retention rate of 90%, which means that nine of ten freshmen returned for their sophomore years. They also boast a graduation rate of nearly 78%, the highest out of any other HSI. They have a student body comprised of more than 17,000 students and a quarter of these students are Hispanic undergraduates. The school is nationally recognized for a variety of their programs, for example, their astrology program. They ranked among the Top 100 National Universities by U.S. News & World Report. Another top online college for Hispanic students is also in the University of California system, but this time it is UC Riverside. They boast a freshman retention rate of 90% as well, and a graduation rate of 69.33%! Out of their 21,000+ students, 27% of them are Hispanic. According to U.S. News & World Report, they were ranked among the Top 100 Public Schools, as well as the Top 100 Business Programs, and Top 100 Engineering Programs (at the doctorate level). UC Riverside has several notable alumni, among them a Pulitzer Prize winner, as well as a Nobel Prize winner. The third school is also based in California, San Diego State University. This school is often called SDSU and has a freshman retention rate of 89%, and an impressive graduation rate of 70%. In-state tuition only costs students a little over $7,000, and they have a student body of 29,234 students. They also ranked among the Top 100 Public Schools from U.S. News and World Report.